Despite the lavish exposure to breaking-points, start-overs and former bandmates, NY band Grassfight still features a tension and complexity that exhibits its music.

Grassfight has opened for popular bands like Starlight Mints, The Republic Tigers, Spinto Band, Frightened Rabbit, Mumiy Troll, TAB the Band, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club and The Delta Mirror.

Having ensembled in early 2006, the threesome set to contest the settled collective. “Forster is as confident about Grassfight’s ultimate musical destination as he is candid about their orgins... its goals go beyond becoming local heroes.” [Dallas Observer]

With an amplifying history and sophistication, Grassfight is planning to present a new host of recordings early next year.

In live performance, the sound surrounds the audience in a breadth of character and stamina. “A real treat for those of us lucky enough to be in the room. Their songs are hypnotizing... conducive to creative adventures. Perfect for a nightime drive.” [The Sub Rosa]

Where Grassfight architects music for artisans, you will find just enough flattery to the past if you are seeking familiar love. It feels like black and white cinema. ”bass that broods of midnight... Hypnotic guitar lines are awash with shimmer... Reminds listeners of a classic soundtrack to dark night.”

The Basement



Grassfight would like to say hello and welcome you to their brand new blog.

A great deal of changes are manifesting right now and lots of plans will be coming to light as summer approaches, including the finished compilation of their recent recordings. It's been a journey but it is exciting the band and we think it will please you, too.

There are lots of ways to communicate with the band these days: ReverbNation, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, SonicBids, BandCamp... One might even find themselves on their mailing-list, should they choose. 2011 is looking up, ladies and gents, and Grassfight is looking forward to every minute of it.

Please check-in check-it-out often.
